The First Vanishings

: The Moon Pool

"We carried Thora back, down to where Edith was waiting. We told her

what had happened and what we had found. She listened gravely, and as

we finished Thora sighed and opened her eyes.

"'I would like to see the stone,' she said. 'Charles, you stay here

with Thora.' We passed through the outer court silently--and stood

before the rock. She touched it, drew back her hand as I had; thrust

it forward again r
solutely and held it there. She seemed to be

listening. Then she turned to me.

"'David,' said my wife, and the wistfulness in her voice hurt

me--'David, would you be very, very disappointed if we went from

here--without trying to find out any more about it--would you?'

"Walter, I never wanted anything so much in my life as I wanted to

learn what that rock concealed. Nevertheless, I tried to master my

desire, and I answered--'Edith, not a bit if you want us to do it.'

"She read my struggle in my eyes. She turned back toward the grey

rock. I saw a shiver pass through her. I felt a tinge of remorse and


"'Edith,' I exclaimed, 'we'll go!'

"She looked at me again. 'Science is a jealous mistress,' she quoted.

'No, after all it may be just fancy. At any rate, you can't run away.

No! But, Dave, I'm going to stay too!'

"And there was no changing her decision. As we neared the others she

laid a hand on my arm.

"'Dave,' she said, 'if there should be something--well--inexplicable

tonight--something that seems--too dangerous--will you promise to go

back to our own islet tomorrow, if we can--and wait until the natives


"I promised eagerly--the desire to stay and see what came with the

night was like a fire within me.

"We picked a place about five hundred feet away from the steps leading

into the outer court.

"The spot we had selected was well hidden. We could not be seen, and

yet we had a clear view of the stairs and the gateway. We settled down

just before dusk to wait for whatever might come. I was nearest the

giant steps; next me Edith; then Thora, and last Stanton.

"Night fell. After a time the eastern sky began to lighten, and we

knew that the moon was rising; grew lighter still, and the orb peeped

over the sea; swam into full sight. I glanced at Edith and then at

Thora. My wife was intently listening. Thora sat, as she had since we

had placed ourselves, elbows on knees, her hands covering her face.

"And then from the moonlight flooding us there dripped down on me a

great drowsiness. Sleep seemed to seep from the rays and fall upon my

eyes, closing them--closing them inexorably. Edith's hand in mine

relaxed. Stanton's head fell upon his breast and his body swayed

drunkenly. I tried to rise--to fight against the profound desire for

slumber that pressed on me.

"And as I fought, Thora raised her head as though listening; and

turned toward the gateway. There was infinite despair in her face--and

expectancy. I tried again to rise--and a surge of sleep rushed over

me. Dimly, as I sank within it, I heard a crystalline chiming; raised

my lids once more with a supreme effort.

"Thora, bathed in light, was standing at the top of the stairs.

"Sleep took me for its very own--swept me into the heart of oblivion!

"Dawn was breaking when I wakened. Recollection rushed back; I thrust

a panic-stricken hand out toward Edith; touched her and my heart gave

a great leap of thankfulness. She stirred, sat up, rubbing dazed eyes.

Stanton lay on his side, back toward us, head in arms.

"Edith looked at me laughingly. 'Heavens! What sleep!' she said.

Memory came to her.

"'What happened?' she whispered. 'What made us sleep like that?'

"Stanton awoke.

"'What's the matter!' he exclaimed. 'You look as though you've been

seeing ghosts.'

"Edith caught my hands.

"'Where's Thora?' she cried. Before I could answer she had run out

into the open, calling.

"'Thora was taken,' was all I could say to Stanton, 'together we went

to my wife, now standing beside the great stone steps, looking up

fearfully at the gateway into the terraces. There I told them what I

had seen before sleep had drowned me. And together then we ran up the

stairs, through the court and to the grey rock.

"The slab was closed as it had been the day before, nor was there

trace of its having opened. No trace? Even as I thought this Edith

dropped to her knees before it and reached toward something lying at

its foot. It was a little piece of gay silk. I knew it for part of the

kerchief Thora wore about her hair. She lifted the fragment. It had

been cut from the kerchief as though by a razor-edge; a few threads

ran from it--down toward the base of the slab; ran on to the base of

the grey rock and--under it!

"The grey rock was a door! And it had opened and Thora had passed

through it!

"I think that for the next few minutes we all were a little insane.

We beat upon that portal with our hands, with stones and sticks. At

last reason came back to us.

"Goodwin, during the next two hours we tried every way in our power to

force entrance through the slab. The rock resisted our drills. We

tried explosions at the base with charges covered by rock. They made

not the slightest impression on the surface, expending their force, of

course, upon the slighter resistance of their coverings.

"Afternoon found us hopeless. Night was coming on and we would have

to decide our course of action. I wanted to go to Ponape for help. But

Edith objected that this would take hours and after we had reached

there it would be impossible to persuade our men to return with us

that night, if at all. What then was left? Clearly only one of two

choices: to go back to our camp, wait for our men, and on their return

try to persuade them to go with us to Nan-Tauach. But this would mean

the abandonment of Thora for at least two days. We could not do it; it

would have been too cowardly.

"The other choice was to wait where we were for night to come; to wait

for the rock to open as it had the night before, and to make a sortie

through it for Thora before it could close again.

"Our path lay clear before us. We had to spend that night on


"We had, of course, discussed the sleep phenomena very fully. If our

theory that lights, sounds, and Thora's disappearance were linked with

secret religious rites of the natives, the logical inference was that

the slumber had been produced by them, perhaps by vapours--you know as

well as I, what extraordinary knowledge these Pacific peoples have of

such things. Or the sleep might have been simply a coincidence and

produced by emanations either gaseous or from plants, natural causes

which had happened to coincide in their effects with the other

manifestations. We made some rough and ready but effective


"As dusk fell we looked over our weapons. Edith was an excellent shot

with both rifle and pistol. We had decided that my wife was to remain

in the hiding-place. Stanton would take up a station on the far side

of the stairway and I would place myself opposite him on the side near

Edith. The place I picked out was less than two hundred feet from her,

and I could reassure myself now and then as to her safety as it looked

down upon the hollow wherein she crouched. From our respective

stations Stanton and I could command the gateway entrance. His

position gave him also a glimpse of the outer courtyard.

"A faint glow in the sky heralded the moon. Stanton and I took our

places. The moon dawn increased rapidly; the disk swam up, and in a

moment it was shining in full radiance upon ruins and sea.

"As it rose there came a curious little sighing sound from the inner

terrace. Stanton straightened up and stared intently through the

gateway, rifle ready.

"'Stanton, what do you see?' I called cautiously. He waved a

silencing hand. I turned my head to look at Edith. A shock ran through

me. She lay upon her side. Her face, grotesque with its nose and mouth

covered by the respirator, was turned full toward the moon. She was

again in deepest sleep!

"As I turned again to call to Stanton, my eyes swept the head of the

steps and stopped, fascinated. For the moonlight had thickened. It

seemed to be--curdled--there; and through it ran little gleams and

veins of shimmering white fire. A languor passed through me. It was

not the ineffable drowsiness of the preceding night. It was a sapping

of all will to move. I tried to cry out to Stanton. I had not even the

will to move my lips. Goodwin--I could not even move my eyes!

"Stanton was in the range of my fixed vision. I watched him leap up

the steps and move toward the gateway. The curdled radiance seemed to

await him. He stepped into it--and was lost to my sight.

"For a dozen heart beats there was silence. Then a rain of tinklings

that set the pulses racing with joy and at once checked them with tiny

fingers of ice--and ringing through them Stanton's voice from the

courtyard--a great cry--a scream--filled with ecstasy insupportable

and horror unimaginable! And once more there was silence. I strove to

burst the bonds that held me. I could not. Even my eyelids were fixed.

Within them my eyes, dry and aching, burned.

"Then Goodwin--I first saw the--inexplicable! The crystalline music

swelled. Where I sat I could take in the gateway and its basalt

portals, rough and broken, rising to the top of the wall forty feet

above, shattered, ruined portals--unclimbable. From this gateway an

intenser light began to flow. It grew, it gushed, and out of it walked


"Stanton! But--God! What a vision!"

A deep tremor shook him. I waited--waited.

