For Dakota

: The Trail To Yesterday

Though in a state of anxiety and excitement over the incident of Duncan's

attack on Doubler and the subsequent shooting, together with a realization

of Dakota's danger, Sheila did not lose her composure. She ran to the

river and secured the water, aware that it might be needed now more than

ever. Then, hurrying as best she could with the weight of the pail, she

returned to the cabin.

She was relieved to f
nd that Doubler had received no injury, and she

paused long enough to allow him to tell her that Duncan had entered the

cabin shortly after she had left it. He had attacked Doubler, but had been

interrupted by Allen, who had suddenly ridden up. Duncan had heard him

coming, and had concealed himself behind the door, and when Allen had

entered Duncan had struck him on the head with the butt of his

six-shooter, knocking him down. The blow had been a glancing one, however,

and Allen had recovered quickly, seizing Doubler's rifle and trying to

bring down the would be murderer as he fled.

While attending to Doubler's bandages, Sheila repeated the conversation

she had had with Allen concerning the situation in which he had left

Dakota, and instantly the nester's anxiety for his friend took precedence

over any thoughts for his own immediate welfare.

"There'll be trouble sure, now that Allen's left there," he said. "Dakota

won't be a heap easy with them deputies."

He told Sheila to let the bandaging go until later, but she refused.

"Dakota'll be needin' you a heap more than I need you," he insisted,

refusing to allow her to touch the bandages. "There'll be the devil to pay

if any of them deputies try to rush Dakota's shack. I want you to go down

there right now. If you wait, it'll mebbe be too late."

Sheila hesitated for a moment, and then, yielding to the entreaty in

Doubler's eyes, she was at his side, pressing his hand.

"Ride ma'am!" he told her, when she was ready to go, his cheeks flushed

with excitement, his eyes bright.

Her pony snorted with surprise when she brought her riding whip down

against its flanks when turning from the corral gates, but it needed no

second urging, and its pace when it splashed through the shallow water of

the crossing was fully as great as that of Duncan's pony, which had

previously passed through it.

Once on the hard sand of the river trail it settled into a long, swinging

gallop, under which the miles flew by rapidly and steadily. Sheila drew

the animal up on the rises, breathing it sometimes, but on the levels she

urged it with whip and spur, and in something more than an hour after

leaving Doubler's cabin, she flashed by the quicksand crossing, which she

estimated as being not more than twelve miles from her journey's end.

She was tired after her long vigil at Doubler's side, but the weariness

was entirely physical, for her brain was working rapidly, filling her

thoughts with picturesque conjectures, drawing pictures in which she saw

Dakota being shot down by Allen's deputies. And he was innocent!

She did not blame herself for Dakota's dilemma, though she felt a keen

regret over her treatment of him, over her unjust suspicions. He had

really been in earnest when he had told her the night before on the river

trail that he was not guilty--that everybody had misjudged him. Vivid in

her recollection was the curious expression on his face when he had said

to her just before leaving her that night:

"Won't you believe me?"

And that other time, when he had taken her by the shoulders and looked

steadily into her eyes--she remembered that, too; she could almost feel

his fingers, and the words he had uttered then were fresh in her memory:

"I've treated you mean, Sheila, about as mean as a man could treat a

woman. I am sorry. I want you to believe that. And maybe some day--when

this business is over--you'll understand, and forgive me."

There had been mystery in his actions ever since she had seen him the

first time, and though she could not yet understand it, she had discovered

that there were forces at work in his affairs which seemed to indicate

that he had not told her that for the purpose of attempting to justify his

previous actions.

Evidently, whatever the mystery that surrounded him, her father and Duncan

were concerned in it, and this thought spurred her on, for it gave her a

keen delight to think that she was arrayed against them, even though she

were on the side of the man who had wronged her. He, at least, had not

been concerned in the plot to murder Doubler.

When she reached the last rise--on the crest of which she had sat on her

pony on the morning following her marriage to Dakota in the cabin and from

which she had seen the parson riding away--she was trembling with

eagerness and dread for fear that something might happen before she could

arrive. It was three miles down the slope, and when she reached the level

there was Dakota's cabin before her.

She drew her pony to a walk, for she saw men grouped in front of the cabin

door, saw Dakota there himself, standing in the open doorway, framed in

the light from within. There were no evidences of the conflict which she

had dreaded. She had arrived in time.

Convinced of this, she felt for the first time her physical weariness, and

she leaned forward on her pony, holding to its mane for support,

approaching the cabin slowly.

Her father was there, she observed, as she drew nearer; and three

strangers--and Allen! And near Allen, sitting on his horse dejectedly, was


One of Duncan's arms swung oddly at his side, and Sheila thought instantly

of his curse when he had been riding near her at the river crossing.

Evidently Allen's bullet had struck him.

Sheila's presence at Dakota's cabin was now unnecessary, for it was

evident that an understanding had been reached with Allen, and Sheila

experienced a sudden aversion to appearing among the men. Turning her

pony, she was about to ride away, intending to return to Doubler's cabin,

when Allen turned and saw her. He spurred quickly to her side, seizing the

pony by the bridle rein and leading it toward the cabin door.

"It's all right, ma'am," he said, "I got him. Holy smoke!" he exclaimed as

she came within the radius of the light. "You certainly rode some, didn't

you, ma'am?"

She did not answer. She saw her father look at her, noted his start,

smiled scornfully when she observed a paleness overspreading his face. She

looked from him to Duncan, and the latter flushed and turned his head.

Then Allen's voice reached her, as he spoke to Dakota.

"This young woman has rode twenty miles to-night--to save your hide--you

durned cuss. If you was anyways hospitable, you'd----"

Allen's voice seemed to grow distant to Sheila, the figures of the men in

the group blurred, the light danced, she reeled in the saddle, tried to

check herself, failed, and toppled limply forward over her pony's neck.

She heard an exclamation, saw Dakota spring suddenly from the doorway,

felt his arms around her. She struggled in his grasp, trying to fight him

off, and then she drifted into oblivion.

