A Telegraphic Dispatch

: From The Earth To The Moon

The great works undertaken by the Gun Club had now virtually

come to an end; and two months still remained before the day for

the discharge of the shot to the moon. To the general impatience

these two months appeared as long as years! Hitherto the smallest

details of the operation had been daily chronicled by the journals,

which the public devoured with eager eyes.

Just at this moment a circumstance, th
most unexpected, the

most extraordinary and incredible, occurred to rouse afresh

their panting spirits, and to throw every mind into a state of

the most violent excitement.

One day, the 30th of September, at 3:47 P.M., a telegram,

transmitted by cable from Valentia (Ireland) to Newfoundland and

the American Mainland, arrived at the address of President Barbicane.

The president tore open the envelope, read the dispatch, and,

despite his remarkable powers of self-control, his lips turned

pale and his eyes grew dim, on reading the twenty words of

this telegram.

Here is the text of the dispatch, which figures now in the

archives of the Gun Club:


30 September, 4 A.M.

Barbicane, Tampa Town, Florida, United States.

Substitute for your spherical shell a cylindro-conical projectile.

I shall go inside. Shall arrive by steamer Atlanta.


