Mrs Jones Offers Some Objections

: Doctor Jones' Picnic

But Dr. Jones met great opposition in a quarter that was not so easily

disposed of. He had a wife. Mrs. Jones was a very intelligent and lovely

woman, younger by some fifteen years than the Doctor. She must be

consulted. He broached the subject very cautiously, now and then

expatiating upon the extreme ease and comfort with which the trip to the

North Pole might be made. He bought histories of the many Arctic

ns, and read them aloud to her. At first she listened

indifferently, not dreaming for a moment that the Doctor was burning

with a desire to become an Arctic explorer. Day after day he enlarged

and dilated upon his plan. Denison often dropped in of an evening, and

the conversation invariably drifted into the old topic, the aluminum

globe and the trip to the North Pole.

One evening the architect, Mr. Marsh, with a large paper roll in his

hand, came with Denison to the Doctor's residence. After the usual

greetings the Doctor said, "Mrs. Jones, I think we will take possession

of the dining-room, as we wish to use the table. Come in with us, for I

am sure that you are greatly interested in the business we have on hand


Mrs. Jones good-naturedly complied, and sat engaged with some knitting,

while the roll brought by the architect was spread upon the table, and

weights laid upon its corners. The two schemers gave a cry of delight as

a truly magnificent sketch of the globe unfolded before their eyes.

Floating in the firmament, thousands of feet above the earth, with a

panoramic view of forests, lakes, rivers, mountains and hill elevations,

fruitful valleys thickly dotted with towns, villages, farms, little

specks that represented houses, green fields, etc., fading away into

indistinctness in the far distances of the horizon, all done with such

patient and faithful regard for detail and artistic appreciation of

color and perspective, that Mrs. Jones joined in the chorus of

expressions of unqualified admiration. It was done in water colors, and

the enraptured Doctor seized one end of it and cried: "Take hold of one

end, Denison, and help me hold it up against the wall. There, Maggie!

Denison! Did you ever see anything so absolutely beautiful?"

They declared that they never had. The artist, meantime, stood with

flushed cheek, his arms folded across his breast, modest and quiet.

"Get tacks and a hammer, Maggie, and we'll fasten it to the wall; then

we can all sit and enjoy this glorious panorama."

The painting was quickly tacked up in a position for inspection, and all

sat admiringly before it.

"By the way, Mr. Marsh, you must have done something in the line of

aeronautism, or you never could have made that painting," observed the


"No, Doctor, I have never made any balloon ascensions, but I have

climbed many mountains, both in Europe and America, and have made

numerous sketches from vast elevations. I have simply drawn upon these

for my material, and in this painting you have a blending of several of

them. Of course, I have taxed my imagination to some extent. The central

object, the globe, air-ship, or whatever you may be pleased to call it,

is your own conception, or my conception of your idea."

"Well, I am more than pleased with your work. Your execution has so far

transcended my idea that I take no credit at all in this instance. But

now we must never rest until we have materialized this splendid


So they sat admiring and chatting over the painting some little time.

"Well, Marsh, have you anything more to show us to-night?" asked


"Yes," he replied, "I have some figures and data that I received from

the city a day or two since."

Drawing their chairs about the table, Mr. Marsh read from a small

memorandum-book estimate prices of materials, amount and weight of same,

cost of labor, and finally what he deemed to be the approximate cost of

the globe complete, furnished and equipped for a one year's voyage.

"I have some suggestions to offer, Doctor. You spoke of having three

skins or envelopes of aluminum, with air chambers between them that

would prevent the radiation of heat. Now, I think that we can do better

than that, though without doubt your idea is practical and would answer

the purpose; yet I have a plan to offer that will dispense with one

envelope, and will more effectually conserve heat. Zinc is the best

nonconductor of heat that I know of. One thin layer of this metal within

a few inches of the external covering of aluminum will serve you a much

better purpose and will greatly reduce the cost of construction."

This suggestion met with the immediate approval of the Doctor and

Denison. They talked and planned until quite a late hour. After the

departure of the two men Mrs. Jones said:

"Are you seriously thinking of going into this wild scheme, Doctor?"

"Well, Maggie, what do you think of it? Don't you see how perfectly

feasible and beautiful it is?"

"Why, so far as I know, it may do well enough. But how can you do

anything with it, and what good would it do you if you could?"

"My dear Maggie! How can you ask such a question! Think of the glory of

accomplishing that which has defeated some of the best and bravest men

that the world has ever produced. And think of the importance this

accomplishment might be to science. Is the undying fame that would

attach to such a deed to be lightly esteemed? Oh, my dear wife! you know

how steadily and conscientiously I have labored all these years. More

than a quarter of a century have I devoted to the care of the sick, with

scarcely a moment's recreation. The time has come when I feel that I

must take a vacation. Further than this, I feel that I can do the world

greater service with my idea of reaching the North Pole, besides

settling a question as to the possibility of aerial navigation for long

distances. How can I better spend a year or so than in the promotion of

this idea? Be a good, brave little wife, as you always have been, and

don't oppose me in this thing upon which my heart is set."

"And who is to sail this great balloon, or air-ship?"

"Well, as the Dutch captain said when the harbor inspector asked 'Who is

the captain of this ship?' 'I ish de feller!'"

With these words he assumed a melodramatic attitude. But Mrs. Jones was

not to be won by any facetiae, and walked up to him, placing her hands

upon his shoulders, said: "Do you think for one moment that I will ever

consent to your going off on so fearfully perilous an expedition as

this? How I should feel to see you sail off into the blue sky, with an

almost absolute certainty of never seeing you again! I should go insane.

What would my days and nights be, even though you went and returned in

all the safety you anticipate? I should go insane in less than a week

with anxiety. Do as you please so far as promoting the construction of

the globe is concerned, but never will I consent to your going in it."

"Maggie, Maggie, don't be so foolish. I do not intend going until I have

perfectly satisfied you that I am not more safe in our home than I

should be in our great ship."

"All right!" she cried. "You are not to go, then, until I freely


"O, hold on!" he answered. "Don't construe me so ungenerously. I only

said that I would first convince you of my safety."

"That you can never do, and you may as well give it up. It cannot be a

safe undertaking. It makes me faint to even think of it. Just imagine

yourself in that cabin now," pointing to Marsh's painting that still

hung upon the wall.

"I wish to heaven I was," growled the Doctor.

"I just won't hear another word of it!" and she flounced out of the room

to bed.

