The Pit Of Plenty

: Warlord Of Mars

I did not languish long within the prison of Salensus Oll. During

the short time that I lay there, fettered with chains of gold, I

often wondered as to the fate of Thuvan Dihn, Jeddak of Ptarth.

My brave companion had followed me into the garden as I attacked

Thurid, and when Salensus Oll had left with Dejah Thoris and the

others, leaving Thuvia of Ptarth behind, he, too, had remained

in the garden with
is daughter, apparently unnoticed, for he was

appareled similarly to the guards.

The last I had seen of him he stood waiting for the warriors who

escorted me to close the gate behind them, that he might be alone

with Thuvia. Could it be possible that they had escaped? I doubted

it, and yet with all my heart I hoped that it might be true.

The third day of my incarceration brought a dozen warriors to escort

me to the audience chamber, where Salensus Oll himself was to try

me. A great number of nobles crowded the room, and among them I

saw Thurid, but Matai Shang was not there.

Dejah Thoris, as radiantly beautiful as ever, sat upon a small throne

beside Salensus Oll. The expression of sad hopelessness upon her

dear face cut deep into my heart.

Her position beside the Jeddak of Jeddaks boded ill for her and me,

and on the instant that I saw her there, there sprang to my mind

the firm intention never to leave that chamber alive if I must

leave her in the clutches of this powerful tyrant.

I had killed better men than Salensus Oll, and killed them with my

bare hands, and now I swore to myself that I should kill him if I

found that the only way to save the Princess of Helium. That it

would mean almost instant death for me I cared not, except that

it would remove me from further efforts in behalf of Dejah Thoris,

and for this reason alone I would have chosen another way, for

even though I should kill Salensus Oll that act would not restore

my beloved wife to her own people. I determined to wait the final

outcome of the trial, that I might learn all that I could of the

Okarian ruler's intentions, and then act accordingly.

Scarcely had I come before him than Salensus Oll summoned Thurid


"Dator Thurid," he said, "you have made a strange request of me;

but, in accordance with your wishes and your promise that it will

result only to my interests, I have decided to accede.

"You tell me that a certain announcement will be the means of

convicting this prisoner and, at the same time, open the way to

the gratification of my dearest wish."

Thurid nodded.

"Then shall I make the announcement here before all my nobles,"

continued Salensus Oll. "For a year no queen has sat upon the

throne beside me, and now it suits me to take to wife one who is

reputed the most beautiful woman upon Barsoom. A statement which

none may truthfully deny.

"Nobles of Okar, unsheathe your swords and do homage to Dejah Thoris,

Princess of Helium and future Queen of Okar, for at the end of the

allotted ten days she shall become the wife of Salensus Oll."

As the nobles drew their blades and lifted them on high, in

accordance with the ancient custom of Okar when a jeddak announces

his intention to wed, Dejah Thoris sprang to her feet and, raising

her hand aloft, cried in a loud voice that they desist.

"I may not be the wife of Salensus Oll," she pleaded, "for already I

be a wife and mother. John Carter, Prince of Helium, still lives.

I know it to be true, for I overheard Matai Shang tell his daughter

Phaidor that he had seen him in Kaor, at the court of Kulan Tith,

Jeddak. A jeddak does not wed a married woman, nor will Salensus

Oll thus violate the bonds of matrimony."

Salensus Oll turned upon Thurid with an ugly look.

"Is this the surprise you held in store for me?" he cried. "You

assured me that no obstacle which might not be easily overcome stood

between me and this woman, and now I find that the one insuperable

obstacle intervenes. What mean you, man? What have you to say?"

"And should I deliver John Carter into your hands, Salensus Oll,

would you not feel that I had more than satisfied the promise that

I made you?" answered Thurid.

"Talk not like a fool," cried the enraged jeddak. "I am no child

to be thus played with."

"I am talking only as a man who knows," replied Thurid. "Knows

that he can do all that he claims."

"Then turn John Carter over to me within ten days or yourself

suffer the end that I should mete out to him were he in my power!"

snapped the Jeddak of Jeddaks, with an ugly scowl.

"You need not wait ten days, Salensus Oll," replied Thurid; and

then, turning suddenly upon me as he extended a pointing finger,

he cried: "There stands John Carter, Prince of Helium!"

"Fool!" shrieked Salensus Oll. "Fool! John Carter is a white

man. This fellow be as yellow as myself. John Carter's face is

smooth--Matai Shang has described him to me. This prisoner has

a beard and mustache as large and black as any in Okar. Quick,

guardsmen, to the pits with the black maniac who wishes to throw

his life away for a poor joke upon your ruler!"

"Hold!" cried Thurid, and springing forward before I could guess

his intention, he had grasped my beard and ripped the whole false

fabric from my face and head, revealing my smooth, tanned skin

beneath and my close-cropped black hair.

Instantly pandemonium reigned in the audience chamber of Salensus

Oll. Warriors pressed forward with drawn blades, thinking that I

might be contemplating the assassination of the Jeddak of Jeddaks;

while others, out of curiosity to see one whose name was familiar

from pole to pole, crowded behind their fellows.

As my identity was revealed I saw Dejah Thoris spring to her

feet--amazement writ large upon her face--and then through that

jam of armed men she forced her way before any could prevent. A

moment only and she was before me with outstretched arms and eyes

filled with the light of her great love.

"John Carter! John Carter!" she cried as I folded her to my breast,

and then of a sudden I knew why she had denied me in the garden

beneath the tower.

What a fool I had been! Expecting that she would penetrate the

marvelous disguise that had been wrought for me by the barber of

Marentina! She had not known me, that was all; and when she saw

the sign of love from a stranger she was offended and righteously

indignant. Indeed, but I had been a fool.

"And it was you," she cried, "who spoke to me from the tower! How

could I dream that my beloved Virginian lay behind that fierce

beard and that yellow skin?"

She had been wont to call me her Virginian as a term of endearment,

for she knew that I loved the sound of that beautiful name, made a

thousand times more beautiful and hallowed by her dear lips, and as

I heard it again after all those long years my eyes became dimmed

with tears and my voice choked with emotion.

But an instant did I crush that dear form to me ere Salensus Oll,

trembling with rage and jealousy, shouldered his way to us.

"Seize the man," he cried to his warriors, and a hundred ruthless

hands tore us apart.

Well it was for the nobles of the court of Okar that John Carter

had been disarmed. As it was, a dozen of them felt the weight of

my clenched fists, and I had fought my way half up the steps before

the throne to which Salensus Oll had carried Dejah Thoris ere ever

they could stop me.

Then I went down, fighting, beneath a half-hundred warriors; but

before they had battered me into unconsciousness I heard that from

the lips of Dejah Thoris that made all my suffering well worth


Standing there beside the great tyrant, who clutched her by the

arm, she pointed to where I fought alone against such awful odds.

"Think you, Salensus Oll, that the wife of such as he is," she

cried, "would ever dishonor his memory, were he a thousand times

dead, by mating with a lesser mortal? Lives there upon any world

such another as John Carter, Prince of Helium? Lives there another

man who could fight his way back and forth across a warlike planet,

facing savage beasts and hordes of savage men, for the love of a


"I, Dejah Thoris, Princess of Helium, am his. He fought for me

and won me. If you be a brave man you will honor the bravery that

is his, and you will not kill him. Make him a slave if you will,

Salensus Oll; but spare his life. I would rather be a slave with

such as he than be Queen of Okar."

"Neither slave nor queen dictates to Salensus Oll," replied the

Jeddak of Jeddaks. "John Carter shall die a natural death in the

Pit of Plenty, and the day he dies Dejah Thoris shall become my


I did not hear her reply, for it was then that a blow upon my

head brought unconsciousness, and when I recovered my senses only

a handful of guardsmen remained in the audience chamber with me.

As I opened my eyes they goaded me with the points of their swords

and bade me rise.

Then they led me through long corridors to a court far toward the

center of the palace.

In the center of the court was a deep pit, near the edge of which

stood half a dozen other guardsmen, awaiting me. One of them

carried a long rope in his hands, which he commenced to make ready

as we approached.

We had come to within fifty feet of these men when I felt a sudden

strange and rapid pricking sensation in one of my fingers.

For a moment I was nonplused by the odd feeling, and then there

came to me recollection of that which in the stress of my adventure

I had entirely forgotten--the gift ring of Prince Talu of Marentina.

Instantly I looked toward the group we were nearing, at the same

time raising my left hand to my forehead, that the ring might be

visible to one who sought it. Simultaneously one of the waiting

warriors raised his left hand, ostensibly to brush back his hair,

and upon one of his fingers I saw the duplicate of my own ring.

A quick look of intelligence passed between us, after which I kept

my eyes turned away from the warrior and did not look at him again,

for fear that I might arouse the suspicion of the Okarians. When

we reached the edge of the pit I saw that it was very deep, and

presently I realized I was soon to judge just how far it extended

below the surface of the court, for he who held the rope passed it

about my body in such a way that it could be released from above

at any time; and then, as all the warriors grasped it, he pushed

me forward, and I fell into the yawning abyss.

After the first jerk as I reached the end of the rope that had

been paid out to let me fall below the pit's edge they lowered me

quickly but smoothly. The moment before the plunge, while two or

three of the men had been assisting in adjusting the rope about

me, one of them had brought his mouth close to my cheek, and in

the brief interval before I was cast into the forbidding hole he

breathed a single word into my ear:


The pit, which my imagination had pictured as bottomless, proved

to be not more than a hundred feet in depth; but as its walls were

smoothly polished it might as well have been a thousand feet, for

I could never hope to escape without outside assistance.

For a day I was left in darkness; and then, quite suddenly, a

brilliant light illumined my strange cell. I was reasonably hungry

and thirsty by this time, not having tasted food or drink since

the day prior to my incarceration.

To my amazement I found the sides of the pit, that I had thought

smooth, lined with shelves, upon which were the most delicious

viands and liquid refreshments that Okar afforded.

With an exclamation of delight I sprang forward to partake of

some of the welcome food, but ere ever I reached it the light was

extinguished, and, though I groped my way about the chamber, my

hands came in contact with nothing beside the smooth, hard wall

that I had felt on my first examination of my prison.

Immediately the pangs of hunger and thirst began to assail me.

Where before I had had but a mild craving for food and drink, I now

actually suffered for want of it, and all because of the tantalizing

sight that I had had of food almost within my grasp.

Once more darkness and silence enveloped me, a silence that was

broken only by a single mocking laugh.

For another day nothing occurred to break the monotony of my

imprisonment or relieve the suffering superinduced by hunger and

thirst. Slowly the pangs became less keen, as suffering deadened

the activity of certain nerves; and then the light flashed on once

again, and before me stood an array of new and tempting dishes,

with great bottles of clear water and flagons of refreshing wine,

upon the outside of which the cold sweat of condensation stood.

Again, with the hunger madness of a wild beast, I sprang forward

to seize those tempting dishes; but, as before, the light went out

and I came to a sudden stop against a hard wall.

Then the mocking laugh rang out for a second time.

The Pit of Plenty!

Ah, what a cruel mind must have devised this exquisite, hellish

torture! Day after day was the thing repeated, until I was on

the verge of madness; and then, as I had done in the pits of the

Warhoons, I took a new, firm hold upon my reason and forced it back

into the channels of sanity.

By sheer will-power I regained control over my tottering mentality,

and so successful was I that the next time that the light came I

sat quite still and looked indifferently at the fresh and tempting

food almost within my reach. Glad I was that I had done so, for

it gave me an opportunity to solve the seeming mystery of those

vanishing banquets.

As I made no move to reach the food, the torturers left the light

turned on in the hope that at last I could refrain no longer from

giving them the delicious thrill of enjoyment that my former futile

efforts to obtain it had caused.

And as I sat scrutinizing the laden shelves I presently saw how

the thing was accomplished, and so simple was it that I wondered I

had not guessed it before. The wall of my prison was of clearest

glass--behind the glass were the tantalizing viands.

After nearly an hour the light went out, but this time there was

no mocking laughter--at least not upon the part of my tormentors;

but I, to be at quits with them, gave a low laugh that none might

mistake for the cackle of a maniac.

Nine days passed, and I was weak from hunger and thirst, but no

longer suffering--I was past that. Then, down through the darkness

above, a little parcel fell to the floor at my side.

Indifferently I groped for it, thinking it but some new invention

of my jailers to add to my sufferings.

At last I found it--a tiny package wrapped in paper, at the end of

a strong and slender cord. As I opened it a few lozenges fell to

the floor. As I gathered them up, feeling of them and smelling

of them, I discovered that they were tablets of concentrated food

such as are quite common in all parts of Barsoom.

Poison! I thought.

Well, what of it? Why not end my misery now rather than drag out

a few more wretched days in this dark pit? Slowly I raised one of

the little pellets to my lips.

"Good-bye, my Dejah Thoris!" I breathed. "I have lived for you

and fought for you, and now my next dearest wish is to be realized,

for I shall die for you," and, taking the morsel in my mouth, I

devoured it.

One by one I ate them all, nor ever did anything taste better than

those tiny bits of nourishment, within which I knew must lie the

seeds of death--possibly of some hideous, torturing death.

As I sat quietly upon the floor of my prison, waiting for the end,

my fingers by accident came in contact with the bit of paper in

which the things had been wrapped; and as I idly played with it,

my mind roaming far back into the past, that I might live again for

a few brief moments before I died some of the many happy moments

of a long and happy life, I became aware of strange protuberances

upon the smooth surface of the parchment-like substance in my hands.

For a time they carried no special significance to my mind--I merely

was mildly wondrous that they were there; but at last they seemed

to take form, and then I realized that there was but a single line

of them, like writing.

Now, more interestedly, my fingers traced and retraced them. There

were four separate and distinct combinations of raised lines. Could

it be that these were four words, and that they were intended to

carry a message to me?

The more I thought of it the more excited I became, until my fingers

raced madly back and forth over those bewildering little hills and

valleys upon that bit of paper.

But I could make nothing of them, and at last I decided that my very

haste was preventing me from solving the mystery. Then I took it

more slowly. Again and again my forefinger traced the first of

those four combinations.

Martian writing is rather difficult to explain to an Earth man--it

is something of a cross between shorthand and picture-writing, and

is an entirely different language from the spoken language of Mars.

Upon Barsoom there is but a single oral language.

It is spoken today by every race and nation, just as it was at

the beginning of human life upon Barsoom. It has grown with the

growth of the planet's learning and scientific achievements, but

so ingenious a thing it is that new words to express new thoughts

or describe new conditions or discoveries form themselves--no other

word could explain the thing that a new word is required for other

than the word that naturally falls to it, and so, no matter how far

removed two nations or races, their spoken languages are identical.

Not so their written languages, however. No two nations have the

same written language, and often cities of the same nation have a

written language that differs greatly from that of the nation to

which they belong.

Thus it was that the signs upon the paper, if in reality they were

words, baffled me for some time; but at last I made out the first


It was "courage," and it was written in the letters of Marentina.


That was the word the yellow guardsman had whispered in my ear as

I stood upon the verge of the Pit of Plenty.

The message must be from him, and he I knew was a friend.

With renewed hope I bent my every energy to the deciphering of the

balance of the message, and at last success rewarded my endeavor--I

had read the four words:

"Courage! Follow the rope."


What could it mean?

"Follow the rope." What rope?

Presently I recalled the cord that had been attached to the parcel

when it fell at my side, and after a little groping my hand came in

contact with it again. It depended from above, and when I pulled

upon it I discovered that it was rigidly fastened, possibly at the

pit's mouth.

Upon examination I found that the cord, though small, was amply

able to sustain the weight of several men. Then I made another

discovery--there was a second message knotted in the rope at about

the height of my head. This I deciphered more easily, now that

the key was mine.

"Bring the rope with you. Beyond the knots lies danger."

That was all there was to this message. It was evidently hastily

formed--an afterthought.

I did not pause longer than to learn the contents of the second

message, and, though I was none too sure of the meaning of the

final admonition, "Beyond the knots lies danger," yet I was sure

that here before me lay an avenue of escape, and that the sooner

I took advantage of it the more likely was I to win to liberty.

At least, I could be but little worse off than I had been in the

Pit of Plenty.

I was to find, however, ere I was well out of that damnable hole

that I might have been very much worse off had I been compelled to

remain there another two minutes.

It had taken me about that length of time to ascend some fifty feet

above the bottom when a noise above attracted my attention. To my

chagrin I saw that the covering of the pit was being removed far

above me, and in the light of the courtyard beyond I saw a number

of yellow warriors.

Could it be that I was laboriously working my way into some new

trap? Were the messages spurious, after all? And then, just as

my hope and courage had ebbed to their lowest, I saw two things.

One was the body of a huge, struggling, snarling apt being lowered

over the side of the pit toward me, and the other was an aperture

in the side of the shaft--an aperture larger than a man's body,

into which my rope led.

Just as I scrambled into the dark hole before me the apt passed

me, reaching out with his mighty hands to clutch me, and snapping,

growling, and roaring in a most frightful manner.

Plainly now I saw the end for which Salensus Oll had destined me.

After first torturing me with starvation he had caused this fierce

beast to be lowered into my prison to finish the work that the

jeddak's hellish imagination had conceived.

And then another truth flashed upon me--I had lived nine days of

the allotted ten which must intervene before Salensus Oll could

make Dejah Thoris his queen. The purpose of the apt was to insure

my death before the tenth day.

I almost laughed aloud as I thought how Salensus Oll's measure of

safety was to aid in defeating the very end he sought, for when

they discovered that the apt was alone in the Pit of Plenty they

could not know but that he had completely devoured me, and so no

suspicion of my escape would cause a search to be made for me.

Coiling the rope that had carried me thus far upon my strange

journey, I sought for the other end, but found that as I followed

it forward it extended always before me. So this was the meaning

of the words: "Follow the rope."

The tunnel through which I crawled was low and dark. I had followed

it for several hundred yards when I felt a knot beneath my fingers.

"Beyond the knots lies danger."

Now I went with the utmost caution, and a moment later a sharp turn

in the tunnel brought me to an opening into a large, brilliantly

lighted chamber.

The trend of the tunnel I had been traversing had been slightly

upward, and from this I judged that the chamber into which I now

found myself looking must be either on the first floor of the palace

or directly beneath the first floor.

Upon the opposite wall were many strange instruments and devices,

and in the center of the room stood a long table, at which two men

were seated in earnest conversation.

He who faced me was a yellow man--a little, wizened-up, pasty-faced

old fellow with great eyes that showed the white round the entire

circumference of the iris.

His companion was a black man, and I did not need to see his face

to know that it was Thurid, for there was no other of the First

Born north of the ice-barrier.

Thurid was speaking as I came within hearing of the men's voices.

"Solan," he was saying, "there is no risk and the reward is great.

You know that you hate Salensus Oll and that nothing would please

you more than to thwart him in some cherished plan. There be

nothing that he more cherishes today than the idea of wedding the

beautiful Princess of Helium; but I, too, want her, and with your

help I may win her.

"You need not more than step from this room for an instant when

I give you the signal. I will do the rest, and then, when I am

gone, you may come and throw the great switch back into its place,

and all will be as before. I need but an hour's start to be safe

beyond the devilish power that you control in this hidden chamber

beneath the palace of your master. See how easy," and with the

words the black dator rose from his seat and, crossing the room,

laid his hand upon a large, burnished lever that protruded from

the opposite wall.

"No! No!" cried the little old man, springing after him, with a wild

shriek. "Not that one! Not that one! That controls the sunray

tanks, and should you pull it too far down, all Kadabra would be

consumed by heat before I could replace it. Come away! Come away!

You know not with what mighty powers you play. This is the lever

that you seek. Note well the symbol inlaid in white upon its ebon


Thurid approached and examined the handle of the lever.

"Ah, a magnet," he said. "I will remember. It is settled then I

take it," he continued.

The old man hesitated. A look of combined greed and apprehension

overspread his none too beautiful features.

"Double the figure," he said. "Even that were all too small an amount

for the service you ask. Why, I risk my life by even entertaining

you here within the forbidden precincts of my station. Should

Salensus Oll learn of it he would have me thrown to the apts before

the day was done."

"He dare not do that, and you know it full well, Solan," contradicted

the black. "Too great a power of life and death you hold over the

people of Kadabra for Salensus Oll ever to risk threatening you

with death. Before ever his minions could lay their hands upon you,

you might seize this very lever from which you have just warned me

and wipe out the entire city."

"And myself into the bargain," said Solan, with a shudder.

"But if you were to die, anyway, you would find the nerve to do

it," replied Thurid.

"Yes," muttered Solan, "I have often thought upon that very thing.

Well, First Born, is your red princess worth the price I ask for

my services, or will you go without her and see her in the arms of

Salensus Oll tomorrow night?"

"Take your price, yellow man," replied Thurid, with an oath. "Half

now and the balance when you have fulfilled your contract."

With that the dator threw a well-filled money-pouch upon the table.

Solan opened the pouch and with trembling fingers counted its contents.

His weird eyes assumed a greedy expression, and his unkempt beard

and mustache twitched with the muscles of his mouth and chin. It

was quite evident from his very mannerism that Thurid had keenly

guessed the man's weakness--even the clawlike, clutching movement

of the fingers betokened the avariciousness of the miser.

Having satisfied himself that the amount was correct, Solan replaced

the money in the pouch and rose from the table.

"Now," he said, "are you quite sure that you know the way to your

destination? You must travel quickly to cover the ground to the

cave and from thence beyond the Great Power, all within a brief

hour, for no more dare I spare you."

"Let me repeat it to you," said Thurid, "that you may see if I be


"Proceed," replied Solan.

"Through yonder door," he commenced, pointing to a door at the far

end of the apartment, "I follow a corridor, passing three diverging

corridors upon my right; then into the fourth right-hand corridor

straight to where three corridors meet; here again I follow to the

right, hugging the left wall closely to avoid the pit.

"At the end of this corridor I shall come to a spiral runway, which

I must follow down instead of up; after that the way is along but

a single branchless corridor. Am I right?"

"Quite right, Dator," answered Solan; "and now begone. Already

have you tempted fate too long within this forbidden place."

"Tonight, or tomorrow, then, you may expect the signal," said

Thurid, rising to go.

"Tonight, or tomorrow," repeated Solan, and as the door closed

behind his guest the old man continued to mutter as he turned back

to the table, where he again dumped the contents of the money-pouch,

running his fingers through the heap of shining metal; piling the

coins into little towers; counting, recounting, and fondling the

wealth the while he muttered on and on in a crooning undertone.

Presently his fingers ceased their play; his eyes popped wider

than ever as they fastened upon the door through which Thurid

had disappeared. The croon changed to a querulous muttering, and

finally to an ugly growl.

Then the old man rose from the table, shaking his fist at the closed

door. Now he raised his voice, and his words came distinctly.

"Fool!" he muttered. "Think you that for your happiness Solan will

give up his life? If you escaped, Salensus Oll would know that

only through my connivance could you have succeeded. Then would

he send for me. What would you have me do? Reduce the city and

myself to ashes? No, fool, there is a better way--a better way

for Solan to keep thy money and be revenged upon Salensus Oll."

He laughed in a nasty, cackling note.

"Poor fool! You may throw the great switch that will give you

the freedom of the air of Okar, and then, in fatuous security, go

on with thy red princess to the freedom of--death. When you have

passed beyond this chamber in your flight, what can prevent Solan

replacing the switch as it was before your vile hand touched it?

Nothing; and then the Guardian of the North will claim you and

your woman, and Salensus Oll, when he sees your dead bodies, will

never dream that the hand of Solan had aught to do with the thing."

Then his voice dropped once more into mutterings that I could not

translate, but I had heard enough to cause me to guess a great deal

more, and I thanked the kind Providence that had led me to this

chamber at a time so filled with importance to Dejah Thoris and

myself as this.

But how to pass the old man now! The cord, almost invisible upon

the floor, stretched straight across the apartment to a door upon

the far side.

There was no other way of which I knew, nor could I afford to

ignore the advice to "follow the rope." I must cross this room,

but however I should accomplish it undetected with that old man in

the very center of it baffled me.

Of course I might have sprung in upon him and with my bare hands

silenced him forever, but I had heard enough to convince me that

with him alive the knowledge that I had gained might serve me at

some future moment, while should I kill him and another be stationed

in his place Thurid would not come hither with Dejah Thoris, as

was quite evidently his intention.

As I stood in the dark shadow of the tunnel's end racking my brain

for a feasible plan the while I watched, catlike, the old man's

every move, he took up the money-pouch and crossed to one end of

the apartment, where, bending to his knees, he fumbled with a panel

in the wall.

Instantly I guessed that here was the hiding place in which he

hoarded his wealth, and while he bent there, his back toward me,

I entered the chamber upon tiptoe, and with the utmost stealth

essayed to reach the opposite side before he should complete his

task and turn again toward the room's center.

Scarcely thirty steps, all told, must I take, and yet it seemed to

my overwrought imagination that that farther wall was miles away;

but at last I reached it, nor once had I taken my eyes from the

back of the old miser's head.

He did not turn until my hand was upon the button that controlled

the door through which my way led, and then he turned away from me

as I passed through and gently closed the door.

For an instant I paused, my ear close to the panel, to learn if he

had suspected aught, but as no sound of pursuit came from within

I wheeled and made my way along the new corridor, following the

rope, which I coiled and brought with me as I advanced.

But a short distance farther on I came to the rope's end at a point

where five corridors met. What was I to do? Which way should I

turn? I was nonplused.

A careful examination of the end of the rope revealed the fact that

it had been cleanly cut with some sharp instrument. This fact and

the words that had cautioned me that danger lay beyond the KNOTS

convinced me that the rope had been severed since my friend had

placed it as my guide, for I had but passed a single knot, whereas

there had evidently been two or more in the entire length of the


Now, indeed, was I in a pretty fix, for neither did I know which

avenue to follow nor when danger lay directly in my path; but there

was nothing else to be done than follow one of the corridors, for

I could gain nothing by remaining where I was.

So I chose the central opening, and passed on into its gloomy depths

with a prayer upon my lips.

The floor of the tunnel rose rapidly as I advanced, and a moment

later the way came to an abrupt end before a heavy door.

I could hear nothing beyond, and, with my accustomed rashness, pushed

the portal wide to step into a room filled with yellow warriors.

The first to see me opened his eyes wide in astonishment, and at

the same instant I felt the tingling sensation in my finger that

denoted the presence of a friend of the ring.

Then others saw me, and there was a concerted rush to lay hands upon

me, for these were all members of the palace guard--men familiar

with my face.

The first to reach me was the wearer of the mate to my strange

ring, and as he came close he whispered: "Surrender to me!" then

in a loud voice shouted: "You are my prisoner, white man," and

menaced me with his two weapons.

And so John Carter, Prince of Helium, meekly surrendered to a

single antagonist. The others now swarmed about us, asking many

questions, but I would not talk to them, and finally my captor

announced that he would lead me back to my cell.

An officer ordered several other warriors to accompany him, and a

moment later we were retracing the way I had just come. My friend

walked close beside me, asking many silly questions about the

country from which I had come, until finally his fellows paid no

further attention to him or his gabbling.

Gradually, as he spoke, he lowered his voice, so that presently

he was able to converse with me in a low tone without attracting

attention. His ruse was a clever one, and showed that Talu had

not misjudged the man's fitness for the dangerous duty upon which

he was detailed.

When he had fully assured himself that the other guardsmen were not

listening, he asked me why I had not followed the rope, and when

I told him that it had ended at the five corridors he said that it

must have been cut by someone in need of a piece of rope, for he

was sure that "the stupid Kadabrans would never have guessed its


Before we had reached the spot from which the five corridors diverge

my Marentinian friend had managed to drop to the rear of the little

column with me, and when we came in sight of the branching ways he


"Run up the first upon the right. It leads to the watchtower upon

the south wall. I will direct the pursuit up the next corridor,"

and with that he gave me a great shove into the dark mouth of the

tunnel, at the same time crying out in simulated pain and alarm as

he threw himself upon the floor as though I had felled him with a


From behind the voices of the excited guardsmen came reverberating

along the corridor, suddenly growing fainter as Talu's spy led them

up the wrong passageway in fancied pursuit.

As I ran for my life through the dark galleries beneath the palace of

Salensus Oll I must indeed have presented a remarkable appearance

had there been any to note it, for though death loomed large

about me, my face was split by a broad grin as I thought of the

resourcefulness of the nameless hero of Marentina to whom I owed

my life.

Of such stuff are the men of my beloved Helium, and when I meet

another of their kind, of whatever race or color, my heart goes

out to him as it did now to my new friend who had risked his life

for me simply because I wore the mate to the ring his ruler had

put upon his finger.

The corridor along which I ran led almost straight for a considerable

distance, terminating at the foot of a spiral runway, up which

I proceeded to emerge presently into a circular chamber upon the

first floor of a tower.

In this apartment a dozen red slaves were employed polishing or

repairing the weapons of the yellow men. The walls of the room

were lined with racks in which were hundreds of straight and hooked

swords, javelins, and daggers. It was evidently an armory. There

were but three warriors guarding the workers.

My eyes took in the entire scene at a glance. Here were weapons

in plenty! Here were sinewy red warriors to wield them!

And here now was John Carter, Prince of Helium, in need both of

weapons and warriors!

As I stepped into the apartment, guards and prisoners saw me


Close to the entrance where I stood was a rack of straight swords,

and as my hand closed upon the hilt of one of them my eyes fell

upon the faces of two of the prisoners who worked side by side.

One of the guards started toward me. "Who are you?" he demanded.

"What do you here?"

"I come for Tardos Mors, Jeddak of Helium, and his son, Mors Kajak,"

I cried, pointing to the two red prisoners, who had now sprung to

their feet, wide-eyed in astonished recognition.

"Rise, red men! Before we die let us leave a memorial in the palace

of Okar's tyrant that will stand forever in the annals of Kadabra

to the honor and glory of Helium," for I had seen that all the

prisoners there were men of Tardos Mors's navy.

Then the first guardsman was upon me and the fight was on, but

scarce did we engage ere, to my horror, I saw that the red slaves

were shackled to the floor.

