

Thursday, 26 March 2572 (Morning, New Rome)

Shayan smiled as he read the New Roman Times while eating breakfast.

Sara had done excellently; these stories gave him all the details he

needed to take action. The Strike Forces, the Sealing, Cortin the

Herald and acting Protector being hailed as Protector despite her own

disbelief in the role, a liturgist working on services to her--she

undoubtedly hat
d that--yes, there was plenty revealed openly now for

him to take action on. Not just yet, though; his announcements would

have more impact if he made them with the Herald's knowledge and

approval, perhaps even in her presence.

It was too early, in New Denver, for her to even be awake, and Odeon

had to learn one thing yet today, so he shouldn't make contact until

they were done for the day. Since he'd decided on full cooperation, he

no longer needed to fear waking her powers prematurely; that would take

her perceiving a threat, and he no longer provided even a minimal one.

So he would be able to observe, then phone her when she had her

prisoner settled for the night.

Or should he mind-call her, thus giving her the limited telepathy three

in her Family already had? Since it would also let him sense her

feelings at his unexpected support, that was an attractive thought. He

had a couple of hours yet before she woke, then several more until she

called it a day, and he had work of his own to do; he'd decide what

method to use when the time came.

Return to main storyline: 24. Revenge

